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Teleflora's Perfectly Pastel flower arrangement

Teleflora's Perfectly Pastel


Earliest Delivery if Ordered Now : Tomorrow

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“Graceful and gorgeous” describes this stunning array of pastel flowers in a charming lavender vase tied with a pink satin ribbon. It’s almost too pretty for words. But you’ll hear many words of praise for sending it.

  • The elegant bouquet features pink Asiatic lilies, yellow carnations, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow spray roses and pink roses accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a lavender plastic vase tied with a pink satin ribbon.
  • This arrangement will be hand designed and delivered by a local florist.
  • An appropriate gift sent from a family member, friend, or business associate.
  • Appropriate to send directly to the home, office or hospital.
  • Arrangement measures approximately 13" W x 14 1/2" H.